Sunday, August 15, 2010

Things to do before I die: eat Oreos at the top of Machu Picchu...check!

Welp, I just got back on Sunday from my trip to Machu Picchu and Cusco! What an amaaaazing time, I don't even know where to start! We left Lima at about 3am Thursday morning, flew into Cusco, and visited Unabamba for the day. We went to "Nelly's House", which was a little place where we got to see how native women skin, process, dye, and weave alpaca, vicuna, and llama wool...soooo cool. Of course I bought an alpaca sweater, in guess what color? Duh. Pink. haha. It was so interesting to see how much time these women put into each thing that they make; makes you really appreciate what you buy. Next we went to Oyallantembo (totally wrong spelling) where we got to see ancient Incan ruins. I was blown away. It was absolutely fascinating to see the amount of skill that the Incans had despite how "primitive" they seemed to the Spanish. At this place, the rocks at the very bottom were the smallest but as you went up they got bigger and bigger and smoother and smoother...all brought in from at least a mile away and hauled up a "ramp" which was really I giant steep hill. AFter that we went to a native woman's home that was over 400 years old and still going strong. Two creepy things there: guinea pigs (cuy) were running around all over the floor and they had a shrine of their ancestors skulls on the wall...ah!! But verrry interesting to see.
Friday we went to Machu Picchu!! All I can say is, pictures do it zero justice. When you're actually there it's so much better that it's hard to explain. We took a tour for the first part of the day then the second part we were free to do whatever we wanted. Some people hike Huayna Picchu, which is the mountain that you see in all the pics of Machu Picchu, but about 10 of us hiked the Machu Picchu mountain. It started to thunderstorm right when we started so needless to say despite the terrifying straight uphill hourlong hike to the top, the rain made it pretty crazy..but a blast! When we got to the top we busted out the Oreos to celebrate! haha that's something I'll never forget.
Saturday we toured Cusco during the day, went horseback riding, and went out to the clubs that night. Needless to say we were EXHAUSTED Sunday when we got home after such a long weekend, so I think we all slept the whole day (at least I did!).
Things I've learned this week:
1. If you lose your voice the entire trip at Machu Picchu, just say that you're whispering because you're trying to be respectful hahahaha.
2. If you ask the kid from Holland in your class what language they speak there and he gets pissed and says he can't answer a question that stupid, apologize and explain that Americans are ignorant.
3. Peanut butter makes me salavate like a dog. I feel like a crack addict when I finally get to eat some. I start shaking. Someone call Intervention.
4. If the creeper at the gym tries to hit on you while you're working out by asking you what kind of material the White House is made out of, turn up your iPod and up the speed on the treadmill.

These are the women dying wool at Nelly's House. Nelly is the second one from the left. She spoke Quechua, Spanish, and English. Peruvians: 1. Americans: 0.

Me and Nelly. Sporting the pink alpaca sweater that I bought for 20 bucks, handknitted. I felt like I was ripping her off!

This was on our way to the Incan ruins the first day. These little girls were singing some kind of little tune...quite possibly the cutest thing I've seen on the trip so far.

This is the infamous shrine at the native woman's house...ah!! Make no mistake, the things hanging on the left are dried dogs or alpacas or something. And yep, real human skulls. Good morning, great-great-great Grandpa's really good to have you here...watching over and night?

These were the Incan ruins at Oyallantembo. Doesn't look like much but it was outrageous.

Close up of the rocks used. This was at the very top of these ruins, they fit together perfectly and strategically. Amazing! Peruvians: 2. Americans: 0.

MACHU PICCHU!!! This is the typical picture that everyone takes but I don't care. I love cliches.

Other shot of Machu Picchu. Can't believe I actually got to go there!

Down towards the bottom where everything is...all the houses, temples, etc. It was a huge place even though I didn't realize it before I went.

Here's their "quarry". They were legit w/ rocks. I had the song "Roxanne" in my head while I was here. I wonder if the Incans had their own version of this song. I'll put money on it that they did...they didn't want to put on a red light.

This is at the bottom of the Machu Picchu Mountain. If you look really, really closely at the very top you can see a flag. Wait for it...

This is at the top of Machu Picchu! Not sure why the flag is rainbow, I can't remember. The Incans were non-discriminant, though. Equal opportunity society.

Lo hice!! I did it! My quads are still burning and I'm still cold but sooo worth it!

The view of Machu Picchu from the very top of the Machu Picchu Mountain...
This was at the Plaza de Armas in downtown Cusco...rockin!

We took a horseback ride through Cusco. My horse was called Principe and I think he sensed my competitive edge because no matter where we went he had to be in the front and race everyone else...haha!

1 comment:

  1. STOP working out and enjoy your time in Peru, silly woman. :) I know you wont... So I will pretend.
